An Introduction to the MLRG – Who We Are
The Marxist-Leninist Research Group (MLRG) was founded in late 2023. We began publishing in February 2024. This is intended to be a collaborative endeavour.
Our writings are in the tradition of those Marxist-Leninists who consider that the People’s Socialist Republic of Albania was a socialist state. As modern Marxist-Leninists we acknowledge William B. Bland and Garbis Altinoğlu. In North America we trace our origins to Alliance-ML, as well as the more recent platform of Marxism-Leninism Currents Today. As a measure of our sincere and fraternal relations, the writings at that latter web-site were repurposed for dissemination by the American Party of Labor in 2023.
As Marxist-Leninists we understand that a single unitary party is necessary. Marxist-Leninists remain divided into two camps based on whether or not the Peoples’ Republic of China (PRC) established socialism. Such a fundamental division should not serve as a barrier to principled collaborations. We aim to assist that process. There is good reason to be optimistic that this process will ultimately coalesce and fuse many groups. What structure that takes of course lies in the future. It will be the decision of many future discussions between these groups and their leaders.
In the meantime, we hope that MLRG can foster at least some relevant thoughts. The content of these include both the history of our movement, and what current policies to adopt. At best it could be more than that, it could become a genuine forum of debate.
We sincerely hope that visitors to this current site of the MLRG find the material contained herein to be useful to the Marxist-Leninist discourse. We invite submissions or responses to articles, in the form of articles and letters to the Editors.
Mike B and Hari Kumar Joint Editors, February 2024